Reader Apps Compatible with iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod®touch
Bluefire Reader — A free app compatible with Apple iOS devices that supports DRM-protected ePDF and ePub formats.
Adobe Digital Editions* — A free app compatible with Apple iOS devices that supports DRM-protected ePDF and ePub formats.
Reader Apps Compatible with Android
Aldiko** — A free app compatible with Android devices that supports DRM-protected ePDF and ePub formats.
Bluefire Reader — A free app compatible with Android devices that supports DRM-protected ePDF and ePub formats.
Reader Apps Compatible with Computers
Adobe Digital Editions — A free app compatible with Mac OS X and Windows-enabled PCs that supports DRM-protected ePDF and ePub formats.
Bluefire Reader — A free app compatible with Windows-enabled PCs that supports DRM-protected ePDF and ePub formats.
*If you have Adobe Digital Editions 4.5 or higher, this application will automatically sync the eBook file across all your devices authorized with the same Adobe ID.
**The default setting for the Aldiko reader may automatically override the publisher's formatting settings for your e-book. To enable the publisher's settings after opening your e-book, tap the center of the screen to get the menu, select "Tt," choose "More," and then uncheck Advanced Formatting.